Robert's Photography & Video Services
Digital Scrapbook - Words of Wisdom - Last Word and Testament
 Digital Scrapbook

One of the best ways to organize your memories is with a Scrapbook.
We all have one somewhere.  Scraps of paper, an assortment of photo's
and napkins and ticket stubs that may be worthless to others, but may be
some of our most prize collectibles.  It may be stored in a box the attic,
or in a big hardcover book.  Bits and pieces of your life,
that you don't ever want to forget.

There are companies that specialize in helping you organize and create
those large paper scrapbooks... and I will add a link to a local storefront company
here in Englewood called Treasured Memories and a web based company 
which can sell you scrapbooking kits or build a custom scrapbook for you.

You can find them at

But what can you do when
the memory is 3 dimentional?  What about that first ashtray your son made you
in school?  What about grandfathers watch?  What about your favorite song,
your collection of special gifts & love letters, and all the other things that are
very dear to you that may be completely overlooked if something happens to you?
Will anyone else ever know how much these things really meant to you?
Will anyone else want to store all the scraps?

Just as with Words of Wisdom you have the opportunity to capture all your memories
on video or one digital CD that can be passed on from generation to generation.
Include it on the back page of your regular scrapbook, or make a copy for everyone in the family.

Digital pictures, video clips, song recordings, and the opportunity for you to
tell the story about your life & everything in your photo albums & scrapbooks...
in your own voice.

We've all got memories to share.
Let me convert those photos, slides and other collectibles into digital pictures that you can print or use to make a Digital Scrapbook CD  and pass all those precious thoughts

and memories on to generation after generation.

Words of Wisdom

Are you getting older?
Do you have something to say to your children?
Something to tell your grandchildren?
Words of wisdom you want to pass on to your great, great, grandchildren?

Why not make a video about who you are
and what you believe to pass on to future generations?
Why not let your relatives know where they came from
and what life was like back then.

Tell your favorite joke... Play or sing your favorite song...
tell them about your most exciting adventure...
your happiest moment... your saddest time...
your first love... your last wishes.

Pass on your words of wisdom...
so that maybe they can learn without making the same mistakes.
Most kids really want to learn more about their heritage...
but can't always admit to learning it from grand pop.

Give them a chance to learn about themeslves
by making a historical video about you and your family.
Include photo's and music and stories and metals and collectibles
and all your best memories that go along with them and save them
on a computer disc for generation after generation to enjoy.

Be proud to tell the world who you are... and who you  were...
what you did while you were here...
and what you would want for the future.

Maybe you'll inspire someone to be just like you...

Isn't that the point of having kids in the first place?

To pass it on...

This is a great way to be sure your thoughts and beliefs
and ideas will live forever.

Last Word and Testament

Just don't wait too long to decide... the clock is always ticking.

....  .Picture-of-Bill-from-memorial-CD..  ...Picture-of-Rick-from-memorial-CD
           Bill                                     Rick
          2-24-1916                           7-5-1953
          8-29-2002                           2-8-2003

Don't let them be forgotten.
If you've had a loved one pass away,
you can still make an excellent memorial video
or CD from pictures, tapes and other memorabilia
that could easily be passed on to all future generations.


Robert's Photography & Video Services
(941) 697-6664   (941) 697-1238
