The 4th
of July
Photo's compliments of
Robert Shainline Video Productions
SW Florida's most versatile videographer
Experience the possibilities
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Festival Sponsored by:
The Englewood Jaycees
click here
to visit their site
The Jaycees were taking donations all day
for the fireworks display planned for 9:00 pm
The beach at Blind Pass Park (Middle Beach)
filled up pretty fast
And everyone seemed to be having a good time
The music started around noon-time with the
Fat Cat Blues Band...
And then there was more singin...
And more music
and some dancin...
and some foolin around...
With lots of stuff to eat and drink...
And a whole lot of
Red, White & Blue
There were even photographers for the Tribune and the Sun
there to capture the action
And then...
There were the
fireworks !!!!
These guys obviously did not read this sign !
Don Exnor representing Melrose fireworks
gave me an exclusive video interview of
his 18th year of setting up fireworks.
Turns out there's a whole lot more to it than the old
"Light fuse and get away"
directions that used to come with fireworks
These guys are serious !!!
Launchers are made of cardboard, steel and polypropylene
(PVC) pipe
It takes 2 hours just to load these tubes once they're
They set some of them off using a car flare and a regular
fuse (right)
"These 120 three inch mortars (above left) are
all fused together"
"This is a one light deal... light one end and Rock n
Roll "
Fuses run 60' per second !
Much of the finale is set off electronically
using a new technology called e-match
(center photo)
Right hand - a six inch e-match
Reft hand - Finale string is made of 10 three inch mortars
all fused together
"Light and run !"
The results are.....
Absolutely wonderful !!!
An Mpeg Video of the fireworks display is available
on CD that will play on any computer
Thanks for stopping by...
I sincerely hope you enjoyed my photo tour
of the
4th of July festivities
put on by the
Englewood Jaycees
And while you're here...
Why not stop and say "Hello" to your neighbors
Macramé' & More by Maid Marrian
Serving Sarasota & Charlotte Counties
Ron & Cindy Ortiz
Beef Jerky and BBQ sauces from
Englewood, Florida
click here to
Send the photographer
a comment
I'd love to at least have your vote for best picture
Anyone know who that cute little USA girl belongs to?
I'd like to send her that photo
donates this time
and expertise to help
promote local business
and non-profit organizations as well
as to capture and
share the fun with everyone...
whether they could
make it to the event or not.
Click here if you want
a donation to
I will also accept products or services
from anyone
wishing to help promote this effort
Thanks for visiting
Have a nice day
Robert Shainline
Shainline Video Productions
/ Videotape Anything !
quality - Low price
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