Blood Pressure Readings
Understanding blood pressure readings
can be very useful
in your quest to become healthier.
blood pressure reading
blood pressure - diastolic blood
blood pressure readings explained
blood pressure reading
of high blood pressure - symptoms
of high blood pressure
blood pressure reading
of low blood pressure - symptoms
of low blood pressure
Your heart probably beats more than 100,000 times a day.
Blood Pressure is the amount of pressure exerted against
the inner walls
of the arteries when the heart beats.
As the heart muscle contracts…
or (beats) it pumps blood from inside the chambers of
the heart,
out into the narrow tubes of the blood stream.
Each time the heart contracts,
(beats) it creates an immediate pressure (blood pressure)
in all the arteries of your body.
The pressure on the artery walls when the heart pumps
(or beats)
and the pressure against the same artery walls when the
heart relaxes
(between beats), are the blood pressure readings that
you normally hear about.
This blood pressure information is written as two numbers,
such as “120 / 80” or spoken as “120 over 80”.
Systolic blood pressure reading
The top number 120 in this instance is the blood pressure
(or pressure of the blood against the artery walls) just
when the heart contracts…
or pumps... or beats… this is called the
systolic blood pressure reading.
Diastolic blood pressure reading
The bottom number of 80 is the blood pressure reading
of the same artery when
the heart is at rest, the moment it relaxes between beats
and refills with blood.
The bottom number of this example (80) is called the
diastolic blood pressure.
A blood pressure of 120/80 have always been considered
a normal blood pressure reading...
and the center of the normal to average blood pressure
The numbers 120 and 80 are a pressure measurement in
(mm hg) or millimeters
of mercury. Millimeters (mm) being a standard form
of measurement of length
and (hg) being the scientific symbol for the metallic
liquid substance we call mercury.
Mercury just happens to have a very specific relationship
to gravity.
The relationship in this case is the amount of mercury
(measured in millimeters)
that the pressure created by the heart pump… can lift...
against gravity.
This measures the amount of pressure the heart pump is
creating in your arteries
to lift the blood from your heart to your brain by using
the substance (mercury)
as the rule of thumb. The substance mercury no
longer has to exist in the
blood pressure device to get a proper reading, but the
blood pressure measurement
is still written (mm hg).
The new "normal blood pressure" standard baseline has recently been lowered to 115/75 B/P 135/85 - 2x the risk of heart disease or stroke
National Institute of Health 2004 |
Blood Pressure Reading
Also known as Hypertension
High blood pressure (hypertension) is when the heart contracts…
(beats) and exerts an above average or dangerous amount
of pressure against
the inside walls of the arteries.
Any abnormal blood pressure reading that consistently
stays at 140/90 or higher
is considered high blood pressure or hypertension
Essential hypertension
High blood pressure without any identifiable symptoms
The cause of high blood pressure
Psychological causes
STRESS, anxiety, anger and
fear are the most common psychological causes
of high blood pressure and can instantly increase blood
Lowering stress and anxiety levels will also lower blood
Blood pressure readings may be affected by many different
conditions including
many types of disorders. But psychological factors
such as stress, anxiety,
fear, anger or depression are almost always involved.
Physical causes
There are many physical things that can raise blood pressure readings.
Physical activity and exercise can raise heart rate and increase high blood pressure
Smoking contains hundreds of different chemicals that increase blood pressure.
Alcohol and drug intake affect blood pressure differently
depending on
age, size, usage and personal tolerances
The time of day may be a factor…
barometric pressure (changes in the atmospheric outdoor
weather pressures
(the every day high pressure and low pressure weather
you hear about on your local weather forecast)
can also alter blood pressure reading a few degrees causing
lower blood pressure
in the morning and higher in the afternoon/evening….
And or lower blood pressure
in the summer and higher in winter. Seasonal
Affective Disorder (SAD)
(not getting enough sunlight) can also add to depression
and stress.
Various chemicals and medications – prescription and non-
Medications – and complications from taking multiple
High cholesterol (a type
of fat that build up inside your blood vessels
that makes them narrower) may be clogging arteries.
Cholesterol from foods such as white bread, eggs, and
dairy products tends to get
caught up in your arteries… making the blood vessels
narrower by slowly
filling them with fat deposits that restrict the flow
of blood. The blood
being forced through these smaller tubes creates higher
blood pressure than
if it was in a clean, smooth and spacious blood tube
as it is supposed to be.
Family traits. Hypertension may run in the family.
Being overweight – applies undue pressure against all
the internal organs
and adds strain to the heart.
Sodium intake (salt content of the body) may have no effect
on people
with normal blood pressure, but may have a very significant
effect in those
with high blood pressure.
Kidney problems may cause complications with high blood pressure
Improper hormone levels in the bloodstream can raise stress
and thereby raise blood pressure
Blood pressures may be influenced by many other specific
such as cardiovascular, neurological and kidney disorders
Symptoms of high blood pressure
High blood pressure symptoms are not easy to identify.
There are usually no identifiable symptoms.
It has been determined that there are no specific symptoms
that indicate that
someone has high blood pressure. You can't
just look at a room of people and
pick them out. You may however determine who is
more likely to have
high blood pressure if you knew more about their lifestyle.
Many people think that having a
headache is a sign of high blood pressure,
and it may well have some relevance to some people who
have extremely high
blood pressure, but in general, headaches are no more
common in people with
high blood pressure than it is with people without.
One thing that may cause headaches in people who have
high blood pressure
is stress. Stress
tends to make you tense, and the muscle tension can
easily cause headaches. So just knowing you have
high blood pressure may
add enough stress to your life to start giving you a
Something to think about for those of you who didn't have
any headaches before you found out you had high blood
Blood Pressure Reading
Also known as Hypo tension<>
Low blood pressure (hypo
tension) is an abnormal condition in which
the blood pressure is lower
than 90/60 or is low enough to cause specific
symptoms or interfere with specific body functions.
Low blood pressure is:
when there is lower than average amount of pressure when
the heart pumps.
This could be the sign of a small leak or other heart
A low blood pressure reading
is much less common than high blood
Keep in mind that smaller people may have lower blood
pressure than taller ones.
A low blood pressure reading
of 90/70 or even 80/60 may be normal
for children and smaller people.
Sudden change in body position – sitting up, standing up too fast
Prescription drugs may be
a cause of low blood pressure for some people
Things such as blood pressure medications,
diuretics (water pills),
anti anxiety medications, anti-depressants
and tranquilizers can be a
contributing factor to the cause
of low blood pressure.
Allergic reactions to drugs may also cause a low blood pressure reading
Lack of liquids in the body
can cause low blood pressure
including dehydration or massive
blood loss
Reducing body temperature can slow the heart and lower
blood pressure
Symptoms of low blood pressure
light headedness
A low blood pressure reading
once in awhile is really nothing to worry about.
Low blood pressure symptoms are
not considered to be a problem as long as
the organs are getting enough blood
and the kidneys are able to function.
Dehydration – or lack of fluids
in the system may be a cause low blood pressure,
but once the blood or fluid is
replaced, the pressure
should return to normal.
Low blood pressure symptom(s) are
sometimes easier to spot than high blood
pressure symptoms. Feeling
light headed when you stand up may be a symptom
of low blood pressure… but it may
pass quickly. Feeling tired or weak may
also be a symptom of low blood
Normal blood pressure range
Blood pressure normal range for average sized adults
is between 110/70 to 140/90
(spoken 110 over 70 to 140 over 90)
Normal blood pressure is considered 120/80 or spoken (120 over 80)**
Acceptable above normal blood pressure is 130 to 140/90
Spoken (130 to 140 over 90)
A low blood pressure reading as low as 90/70 or
80/60 could be
considered normal for children and small people.
The new "normal blood pressure" standard baseline
B/P 135/85 - 2x the risk of heart disease or stroke
National Institute of Health 2004 |
When you take blood pressure readings you should be seated
and relaxed.
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The information contained on these pages is for general
reference purposes only.
It is not a substitute for professional medical advice.
You should always seek the advice of your
physician before starting any new treatment.
Sunset relaxation therapy (SRT) is a stress management
designed to reduce stress and lower blood pressure.
Feel free to tell your doctor about Sunset Relaxation
Video and Sunset Relaxation Therapy.
SRT has been accepted by medicare, with doctors orders,
as a therapeutic, psychological measure
and stress management technique to instantly reduce stress
and lower blood pressure.
This stress management tool is now being used by many
home health agencies.
If you think you have a stress disorder or have a difficult
time managing or dealing with stress,
talk to your doctor about beginning some sort of stress
management training.
The sunset relaxation and stress management technique
may give you exactly
the stress relief you are looking for
Stress relief and stress reduction are extremely important if you have high blood pressure.
If your doctor has any questions about the Sunset relaxation
you can have him contact me directly at:
this page last updated 10-26-04