Robert's Photography
& Video Services

The Englewood Fine Arts Festival
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Folks at "The Cafe" on Dearborn were cool and calm, sitting in the shade of a big oak tree
listening to the relaxing music from singer Heather Straw.  Heather is available for bookings
by calling (941) 764-1975

And lizards... I saw lots of photogenic lizards on Saturday...
must be that time of year...

Jitters Coffee House
set up a display on the street to introduce people to their shop at
485 W. Dearborn Street.  Their card says "Hot coffee, Cold coffee & Beans to go".
I know for a fact that they've got some great coffee... because I shop there.

And here are some more of  Pat Newtons "Relay for Life" volunteers that got painted for free.
Want to get yourself painted?  Want to help a great cause?
Stop by the Englewood Sports Complex next weekend (April 2-3) and look for
Pitter Pat doing her artistic best to help out the Florida team to raise money for cancer research.

Get painted or make a donation, and I'll photograph you myself...
and put your painted face (and/or other body parts)  on my next Events Page !!!
Just tell Pat you want to meet "Bob" the event photographer

This is Barbara Hettinger... I found her "painted feathers" to be very well done.  But it seems
she'll paint just about anything that doesn't move for more than 20 minutes...

You can find out more about her at

Juliana Essenburg paints on white silk with translucent dyes and resists.
Wow...That sounds exotic doesn't it?
You can learn more about her art by calling 698-1873 or by visiting her website at

And last but not least...
Leatherworks had a great display of belts, purses and even a fine leather attache case.
Ahhhh.. they smell so good...
Visit them at:

Call today
to see how your business could be featured here

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This web page and photographs are a free service
compliments of
Robert's Photography and Video Services

This web page and photographs are a free service
compliments of
Robert's Photography and Video Services

Experience the possibilities


For more information contact:

Robert Shainline
P.O. Box 906
Cape Haze, FL  33946


(941) 697-6664  -  Home & Office
    (941) 697-1238  -  Office & Modem..

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