How to lower blood pressure
There are many ways how to lower
blood pressure naturally.
Here are some fun and easy ways
to begin
relaxing images - a natural blood pressure medication
reducing stress can lower blood pressure instantly
20 ways to reduce stress and lower blood pressure
I would suggest you start with learning
to relax.
Learning to relax and allowing
the body to rejuvenate cells is every bit,
if not more important, than any
other high blood pressure cure known to man…
because it heals the mind and
body from within…
without adding any negative side
Here are just a few of the simple things you might want
to try to lower your
blood pressure. Try them for a few days… or weeks
or months
before deciding against them as a positive change
of lifestyle. Drop a line
if you find something that seems to work especially well
for you.
Buy some tools that will
help you learn to Relax.
Find a way that really works for you.
All of the things listed here can reduce stress and help
you relax
so that your body can begin to heal
itself. It's up to you to give them an
honest chance at helping you.
Many are free or very cheap… considering
the alternatives.
Start a collection of relaxation
tools such as Relaxation Videos,
relaxing music, books on
Yoga, and/or self help… anything
you can use as a tool
to help your body relax so it can begin to heal.
Buy a home blood pressure device
to help you measure
their effectiveness.
Set aside some quality time to relax !
“You are what you believe”
Remember, “belief” can be a major contributor in whether
or not these cures
will be of any value to you. So, first you must
keep an open mind.
Remember that all these
things really have actually made a difference
in many people's lives… and it cost little or nothing
to give most of them a try
to see what works for you.
Find a few things on this list that you like… give them
a fair chance by keeping
an open mind and allowing some quality time for the change
to happen.
But most importantly…
believe in yourself to be the
best healer.
You're attitude and what you really believe about all
the possible cures
can really make a big difference.
images can
lower blood pressure instantly!
“Pictures of nature, peaceful,
tranquil and restful
can change a persons blood pressure
(within 1 second)
" Dr. Depok Chopra"
Lower blood pressure with relaxing photographs
here to see the
Relaxation photo gallery
Natural blood pressure medication
Anything that helps you to reduce stress will lower your
blood pressure.
Stress reduction is like a natural blood pressure medication.
Tools such as a
Sunset Relaxation Video may really help you to relax
and give you a reason
to take less high blood pressure medicatio n Be
sure to tell your doctor so that he can
reduce your high blood pressure medication once you learn
how to relax,
and lower your blood pressure naturally. Tell him
about your Sunset experience and
how well it is really working for you. He may want
to suggest it to his other patients
with high blood pressure. Decide to set aside some dedicated
time to relax.
Make relaxation a positive part of your new lifestyle.
Make yourself stop and relax with a
Relaxation Video
at least once a day for 30 minutes.
Let your conscious mind take a break from stress and anxiety
every day.
day just as you eat and drink and sleep every day.
will lower blood pressure
Studies have shown that stress is
a major contributor
in almost all sickness and disease... including high
blood pressure
Did you know that
Stress has been identified as
the primary cause
of over 75% of all doctor visits?
Not that people don't just get sick… It's just that
tests have shown that 75% of
the people who are getting sick do so because their immune
system is being compromised.
Meaning that it is not functioning at a high enough level
to successfully combat the virus
of bacteria that has entered their system. These
tests show that the more stressed people are,
the lower their immune system functions, which makes
them much more susceptible
to all kinds of infections and disease.
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The information contained on these
pages is for general reference purposes only.
It is not a substitute for professional
medical advice. You should always seek the advice of your
physician before starting any new
Sunset relaxation therapy (SRT)
is a stress management technique
designed to reduce stress and lower
blood pressure.
Feel free to tell your doctor about
Sunset Relaxation Video and Sunset Relaxation Therapy.
SRT has been accepted by medicare,
with doctors orders, as a therapeutic, psychological measure
and stress management technique
to instantly reduce stress and lower blood pressure.
This stress management tool is
now being used by many home health agencies.
If you think you have a stress disorder
or have a difficult time managing or dealing with stress,
talk to your doctor about beginning
some sort of stress management training.
The sunset relaxation and stress
management technique may give you exactly
the stress relief you are looking
Stress relief and stress reduction are extremely important if you have high blood pressure.
If your doctor has any questions
about the Sunset relaxation method
you can have him contact me directly